Brian Kimsey
Joining the firm in 2007, Brian brought more than 15 years of engineering experience with the federal government to the Carter Engineering team, giving him superior expertise in navigating often complex government permitting and approval processes. An expert in dam and environmental engineering, Brian places a strong emphasis on natural resource management in his approach.
Brian worked for the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service for several years prior to joining Carter Engineering. Recognized as the Young Engineer of the Year by the Georgia section of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering, Brian now oversees projects ranging from commercial and residential site planning to flood and feasibility studies to reservoir, stormwater and animal waste management system design.
A graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering, Brian enjoys spending time with his wife and three children. Brian is active in the local community, serving on the Board of Directors of the Oconee County Little League and WMSL-FM radio station.